Our Projects
Year 2015 – School Project – Sastapura District – India
Our promised school project in pictures below.

Sastapura School Nadiad, India
The soul of India lives in its villages. Villagers are socially knit together. A great many observances emphasize village unity and the main being, rural cosmopolitanism. It has a web of life where all are linked and depend on each other for survival.
Amidst the love and trust of these villagers, Sastapura school was opened on 24th May 2015. The inauguration took place in the main part of village graced by presence of the school principal, school children, member of parliament etc.
Also present were few committee members of our charity from London. The welcome and respect given to us by these villagers was so overwhelming which is indescribable in words. Young girls of the school performed few traditional dances in the sweltering heat.
This was a dilapidated school building which we refurbished and added few additional classes. The school will provide education to approximately 500 children between the age of 7 to 13 years of sastapura and surrounding villages.
The foundation to turn India into a strong nation has to be laid down at primary and rural levels and so the quality of education right from the beginning should be excellent.
Education is a right that all children deserve. Although an education is a fundamental right some 67 million school-aged children are denied access to proper schooling. In most cases, poverty, stigmatization, illness, or forced childhood labour keep these children out of the classroom.
When equipped with knowledge, skills and ambition, children can grow up to live happy, empowered lives, and be valuable members of their society.
Together, at Bal Gopal Foundation and with your help and generosity, we’re equipping the next generation with knowledge and skills for life.
BPA-MSM Naaz Samarth scheme Respite Care Centre for children with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities.
Situated in remote village of Ahmedabad, India. Primarily founded to provide education to children with multiple disabilities. (In collaboration with Blind People’s Association).
Supported by National Trust, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.
30 children in residential surrounding in idyllic 35 acre campus.
Promoting comprehensive rehabilitation of persons with all categories of disabilities through education, training, employment, community based rehabilitation, integrated education, research, publications, human resource development and other innovative means.
- To enable and empower persons with multiple and severe disability to live as independently and as fully as possible within and as close to the community to which they belong;
- To provide respite care or long term stay in a caring and conducive environment for the development and potentials of persons with multiple disabilities
- To encourage the inclusion of persons with multiple disabilities with non disabled children in the school and leisure time activities
- To create awareness about the potentials, dignity, rights and responsibilities of persons with multiple disabilities in the community
- To strengthen facilities to provide support to persons with multiple disability to live within their own families and to deal with problems of persons with disability who do not have family support;
- To provide the best learning environment for every person with multiple disabilities in keeping with his abilities, his needs and expressed choices
- To provide modern and contemporary training to persons with multiple disabilities
- To ensure that persons with multiple disabilities are made independent to the extent possible in life skills, personal grooming and vocations
- To enable persons with multiple disabilities to study and mingle together with non disabled children in a positive environment for mutual growth and learning
In loving memory of late Mrs Kasiben Patel
The Nan Pura BAL Mandal project was set up in the year 2006 and is situated in Kheda district, Gujarat.
Since its inception, the numbers of admissions in the school are increasing every year and Bal Gopal Foundation shall continue to support Nan Pura School in the future years to come.
Sastapura School was opened on 24th May 2015.
The inauguration took place in the main part of village graced by presence of the school principal, school children, member of parliament etc. Present were few committee members of Bal Gopal Foundation.
This was a dilapidated school building which has been refurbished and added few additional classes. The school will provide education to approximately 500 children between the ages of 7 to 13 years of Sastapura and surrounding villages.
When equipped with knowledge, skills and ambition, children can grow up to live happy, empowered lives, and be valuable members of their society.
Together, at Bal Gopal Foundation and with your help and generosity, we’re equipping the next generation with knowledge and skills for life.
Continue to support NAAZ and Nanpura Mandal
Supported 12 schools in Sabarkantha District, Kathroti Village, Gujrat.
The student population is tribal, secluded caste and secluded tribes.
We distributed sports equipment to all the 12 school.
Nanpura Mandal Situated in Kheda district, Gujarat
In December 2011, we donated school bags, shoes, benches, water bottles and books and also repaired the leaking roof of the school. These were the most basic needs which were provided to the children in order to facilitate regular and disciplined studying. Subsequently in June 2012, during our visit, we once again provided each student with two sets of school uniforms bearing the Bal Gopal Foundation logo. A set of books, pens, pencils, bags and shoes for new entrants were also allocated.
Signed MOU with NAAZ
To provide education to 35, children with multiple disability.
Bal Gopal Foundation extended their support by way of transferring funds (total of £7000.00) for a period of one year beginning August 2011.
NAAZ is situated in Piranha district of Ahmedabad and is a school run in conjunction with renowned Blind People’s Association based in Ahmedabad
Supported Helpline Education:
Helpline Education was started in 2004 to provide value education to the slum children in Adarsh Nagar. This diverse community is made up of people from various different castes and social groups; however they are predominantly drawn from tribal areas of Gujarat and Rajasthan.
Adarsh Nagar School is a living example of how eager children are to learn when given a chance.